精英·搔鸟头盔贝塔. 2. They're feared not only for their sinister appearance but also for the mysterious Frenzy virus. percentage-0 + (add-0)) | percentage%> ~Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. Violet Mizutsune are leviathans known for their beautiful lilac-colored fur. Black Crystal Ticket x1. Fisheries Supply is your premier supplier of crabbing supplies from top brands. Ancient Forest. 能让万物冻结的古龙。人称“冰呪龙”。几乎没有任何关于它的正式记录,生态充满谜团。它能自在地操纵寒气,释放超低温的吐息,让空无一物的空间出现巨大冰块或冰墙。其超低温的吐息威力巨大,甚至能冰冻大型怪物。曾有人看到冰呪龙冻结翼龙的场景,这种行为应该是为了宣示自己地盘。Guard Angle. Light Bowgun. 1000pts. Weakens the effects of Deadly Poison and completely prevents lesser Poisons. Tobi-Kadachi. This belligerent monster will attack anything without hesitation. Toggle navigation Kiranico // MH4UArmors Armor set is valid Armor set is invalid Slot ; Nothing EquippedNamielle Divinity 5. Skills that affect the number of times you can gather or mine, except in special cases. 0. Dios Tailhammer. The fully grown form of Xeno'jiiva. (effective damage +7. Rare 6 Max Carry x99 Sell Price 2,440z Ore LV2. 若战斗中的大型怪物发怒,即会提高攻击力与会心率。. 金色甲壳眩目璀璨的雌火龙稀少种。. Book of Combos 2. Felyne Polisher. Monster List. 19,350 HP 15,960 HP 15,960 HP 17,100 HP 15,580 HP 17,100 HP 17,480 HP. They secrete a special liquid that melts the ground, allowing them to move freely through the earth. Scholar's Beret. Anything that gets in their way will fall. Silver Rathalos Shard x3. Looking for MHGU information? Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at: !25. Great Sword Long. Magma Almudron. Raises the Defense of body armor. Parts of its body glow ethereal blue, making its skin appear crystalline and translucent. Temporarily gain an additional Wirebug when overcoming the Frenzy. Frenzied Bloodlust. Malzeno has a body shape reminiscent of a European dragon, similar to Velkhana, with dark scales covering its body along with swarms of small, flying leech-like creatures called Qurio on its neck, chest, and front legs. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Database. Status Trigger. Weapon List. Database; Monsters; Quest; Items; Weapons; Armor; Skills; Decorations; Palico EquipmentKiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. Astalos vibrate these organs on their head, forked tail, and brilliant wings to charge the respective body part with electricity, yielding tremendous strength and an amplified attack range. An elder dragon shrouded in water. Item List. A brightly glowing crystal. Monster List. M★6 Hymn of Moon and Sun. 任务 - MH:World - Kiranico - Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Database. It has been spotted stealing eggs from nests. Weapon Attack Weapon Ability Slots; Hunter's Knife I. 增加会心攻击的伤害。. These tables account for every animation possible (so some weapons have blank cells due to the move being irrelevant to damage calculations). Despite their predatory appearance, they are herbivorous and. Its appetite is infinite, and if it sees anything moving, it will gobble it up, dirt an all. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. 100%. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate data reference. M★3 A Tale of Ice and Fire. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate data reference. Toggle navigation Kiranico // MH3UM★4 暴徒大将的狩猎大作战!. 왕국을 하룻밤 새 멸망시킨 후, 그 성에 둥지를 틀었다. Num Avg HP Stagger Attack Defense Exhaust Dizzy Mount [Village★3] Crustacean. Anja Set α. Monster List. Slaying. MHWorld. Monster List. Seregios. A fanged wyvern that flies among the treetops. 99. 存在於遠古故事中的傳說之龍。. They mercilessly tear apart whoever touches their sharp scales. Mizutsune. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. 3 Star Quests. Add Head. An amphibious monster resembling a frog. Adrenaline Rush. Once it sights its prey, it swoops down, trampling them beneath its shifting wingblades. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate data reference. When staying at the same area as raged big monsters, add Attack Up (S) and Critical Eye + 1. Hub Quests: High Rank Skills - MH:World - Kiranico - Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Database. Monster List. Teostra are of such a fierce and deadly nature that the Guild closely monitors their movements. 日本語 Español . . Critical Eye +2옛날부터 그 이름이 전해져 내려오는 전설의 용. Anjanath. 任务. Monster List. Monster tracks. 体力残量在一定值以上时,即便受到超过该值的伤害,也不会力尽倒下。. 56 HP. 15 23 15Sand Blasted. Items Gathered by Palicoes. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. +10. Hunt all target monsters. A subspecies of Rathian with vibrant pink scales. The crown will be awarded on the summary page upon either returning from the hunt or claiming rewards from the handler on an expedition. Gypceros Greaves S. It wallows in the mire to maximize cutaneous respiration and preserve the toughness of its scales. These. Gogmazios. Monster List. The vapor around it is actually the expelling of trapped gases from the hordes of monsters Magnamalo has consumed. 현재는 출입 금지 구역이다. Armors Rare 2. Follow @kiranico_db . Thunder Attack 2. 100%. At the peak of their senses, feelers extend from their head, their wings unfurl, and they become frenzied. Their sap-like fluids can promote plant growth, forging a symbiotic relationship with flora that grows in their bodies. Loathsome wyverns that dwell in caves and other dark places. Sometimes seen preying as a couple, Rathian and Rathalos cooperate well. Weapon List. 闘技大会. 30. ≤445. Looking for MHGU information? Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at: ! Armors Rare 1. Draw the beast to water for an easier fight. Chic Wooden Wall. 集. Behemoth Great Horn. Astalos. Home - MH3U - Kiranico - Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Database A database for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Some reports indicate that Velkhana will. Violet Mizutsune can use its tail offensively in a variety of ways. Slightly increases luck. Advanced: Amphibiphobia. 1 HP. 8★ 夜の湿地で化かし合い. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Database. Reduces the number of times you take poison damage. When enraged, it produces more fluid, turning the mud golden. Narwa's Pure Breastplate. Greatly reduces the number of times you take poison damage. Hunt a Zamtrios and a Tetsucabra. Kirin. +15. net dictionary. Rajang are said to be loners, and this isolated life has made it difficult to pin down its territorial leanings. These wyverns are known for their fierce breath and even fiercer claws, giving these threatening beasts exceptional combat ability. It now presides in the ruins of its castle. Reduces damage from hellfire. 存在于远古故事中的传说之龙。. It emits a chilling wind from its body, to slow down its prey. Anything that gets in their way will fall. Kiranico MH Database Useful apps New Player Resources What game to get? Filters. 420pts. As their numbers dwindle, the beast will hatch more, at which point. Behemoth Shearclaw. Poison (30%) Paralysis (30%) Burn (30%) Explosive Gas [Kinship Gauge: -18 /+10] Dеals non-Elеmеntal damagе to a singlе еnеmy. Offensive Guard Lv 1. 战痕黑狼鸟. Brachydios Scimitar I. 条纹壁面【灰】. 体力残量在一定值以上时,即便受到超过. Light Bowgun. Potential. Once its prey's movement is impaired, it closes in with spry, dance-like movements. Item List. Hunt 2 before time expires or deliver a Paw Pass Ticket: 190HRP: Slay 20 Ioprey: 20HRP Rajang. Ailments Buildup Decay Damage Duration Other; Ivy: Mount: 65 +110 → 725 Stun拥有金属外壳的古龙,人称“钢龙”。据说其能通过呼风唤雨,使任何人都不得近其身。不过,依少量报告来看,在其中毒时便可轻易靠近。此外,也有报告显示,遭遇断角个体时,风压较平时更弱。Sufficient Stamina. Dropped Material. 高级木雕壁面. Grants a 20% chance of no sharpness loss while active. Espada Maestra deteriorada. クエスト. A Bazelgeuse variant whose body seems to smolder, like it could go critical at any moment. Rathalos Carapace. 35. 85. Marathon Runner 3. Item List. The effect is lost when you are knocked back or stray too far away from the monster. Yep, it is wrong the last time I looked. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate data reference. Heal Gain. 超会心 1. Armors. 体力槽残留有红色部分的期间,攻击力上升。. Slightly increases the power of Spread Ammo, Shrapnel Ammo, and Spread-type arrows. When you see gold, watch out! Zinogre. HP. Light Bowgun. Purple Ludroth. Book of Combos 5. The cranial disc protecting its tender. Occasionally seen resting on land. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak is an expansion to the original Monster Hunter Rise. 80~112. This has earned it the moniker "Wyvern of Malice. 100%. LV1 ~5. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate data reference. Prevents Sleep. Evade Window 4. 54 HP. Weapon List. Known as Sea Wyverns, Lagiacrus are at the top of the aquatic food chain. Those that have survived report that it exhibits a strange attack. Tulin's Gusts. Risen Chameleos are elder dragons that have found a way to overcome their affliction. Their abundance of dragon energy has granted them greater agility, and even more devastating explosive powers. Item List. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate data reference. It's difficult to even get close to one of these metallic elder dragons, but some claim better odds if the creature is weakened with poison, or has its horn broken, limiting the amount of wind pressure it can muster. Streamstones can be obtained by completing Tempered Investigation. Once it spots prey or senses danger, the Great Izuchi issues commands to their fellow Izuchi, and coordinates their movements. 19. Items. Take care that you don't get overwhelmed. Poison Resistance. Go and check out all the styles for more fun!. If attacked while carrying an egg, it will drop the egg in fright and flee. card classic compact. 12%. 16 HP. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. 6. I'd like for you to head out there right away. Weapon List. Monster List. 包覆紅褐色鱗片的冥燈龍成年體。. Greatly increases Attack, and raises your weapon's Sharpness. Follow @kiranico_db . Weapon List. Deliver 3 [Unique Mushroom] Deserted Island. Acknowledgements: I compiled data from 6 sources to make sure things are as complete and correct as they can be. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. Items - MH4U - Kiranico - Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Database. Skills. 怪物猎人 世界. Has a symbiotic relationship with Dracophage Bugs, which it releases like bullets. 6 Resistencia de las armas 1 BaseAttack 40 GuardBreakPower 50 ThrownDistance. A mutant Valstrax fearsomely dubbed the "Crimson Glow. Weapon List. The legendary black dragon that obliterated a country in a single night. At higher Health, grants Guts effects; at lower Health, boosts Attack and Defense. At the peak of their senses, feelers extend from their head, their wings unfurl, and they become frenzied. Rare 1 Rare 2 Rare 3 Rare 4 Rare 5 Rare 6 Rare 7 Rare 8 Rare 9 Rare 10 Rare 11. 154. 投射器装填数提升 3. ← Huge Lagniapple. The sacred robe worn by a maiden who protects the wind. 幻兽的神秘 1. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Database金狮子. Visit our Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate database at: ! Weapons. Gunlance. Acknowledgements: I compiled data from 6 sources to make sure things are as complete and correct as they can be. Hunter Arts. 90 HP. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate data reference. This is a list of Guild Key Quests in Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate (and Generations) that need to be completed to unlock higher star quests and Hunter Rank. They release larger quantities of the Frenzy virus, resulting in viral explosions with increased radius. A database for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. 团子大毅力. A specially evolved Leviathan with a sleek, lithe body, Mizutsune can secrete a peculiar foam that covers its foes in immobilizing bubbles. Sharp claws and strong limbs allow them to thrive in mountainous terrain. Monster Bone L. Village - MH3U - Kiranico - Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Database. 70. Rathalos Cortex. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. MaxSoundDamageCount. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate data reference. Monster List. They're feared not only for their sinister appearance but also for. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. A Rakna-Kadaki is usually seen covered in sticky webbing. Light Bowgun. Guard Angle. 28 HP. A piscine wyvern that inhabits swamps, utilizing the mud there to hunt and survive. Su hoja, que alberga un poder sagrado, se dañó al impactarse con el aura maligna en los cimientos del castillo de Hyrule. 38 HP. On offense, they strike their forelimbs like flints to induce explosions. 25. 2. Draw the beast to water for an easier fight. 有着长长的鬃毛,独具特色的喙可使出多样化的攻击。. Advanced: Afraid of the Dark. Advanced: Amphibiphobia. Spits a dangerous combustible body fluid. LMAOOO Thanks, and no ive been using kiranico when I started 4u XD and the armor website ive been using it once or twice to speed up my build. Released on Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows on July 9, 2021 the game revolves around a turn-based battle system where players can befriend monsters and. Weapon List. Syndrome. Rachnoid spit fire, capture prey, and support the Rakna-Kadaki's massive body. Velkhana. 活动范围极广,在各地都有与之遭遇的. Its penchant to brush against the ground and the trees as it moves around builds up static electricity within its fur. Basically always hunt target monsters, forget about mirror quests they are fixed size, and don't really bother with non-target either. Fanged wyverns whose bodies are streaked with electricity. During hunts, they gather numerous Thunderbugs to boost their power and enter a supercharged state. 8 -1 -1 2 0 2. Rising. Weapon List. " Its shrouded swings can inflict hellfireblight, which causes one to combust either spontaneously or when hit. 装备技能. Mainly found in the Coral Highlands. The bone is thick enough to be used as a weapon but is extremely brittle and easily broken. pinned by moderators. Normally Rajang return to their black-furred state after being agitated for a time to conserve energy, but these beasts have lost the ability to curb their anger. Uniqlo: Hunt for Inspiration. Beasts known to dwell in humid forest and mountain regions. Stormsoul Lv 1. Most weapons cannot be crafted directly, but have to be upgraded from other weapons. 质朴的石头壁面. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Quest List. An advanced chain of command lets them direct their offspring with a special sound-producing organ. 特別体験版. 38 HP. Kiranico | MHGU Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate Italiano English Français Deutsch Español Quest List. An incredibly curious beast, it enjoys playing tricks on people, and has been seen to. Book of Combos 2. Gold. 充满奇异力量的珍稀素材。. The natives of one region claim its appearance mirrors that of the white god of their legends. Crimson Glow Valstrax. Wooden Wall. By suppressing the Qurio virus, they have gained great strength and new abilities. Lumu Set α. Poison Gene (L) Silver Rathalos. 攻击怪物时,若攻击对该. Light Bowgun. 1. 6. Weapon List. Extremely territorial and aggressive. +15%. Hot New Top Rising. Often speeds up sharpening time. 22%. This belligerent monster will attack anything without hesitation. Great Sword Long Sword Sword & Shield Dual Blades Hammer Hunting Horn Lance Gunlance Switch Axe Charge Blade Insect Glaive. Melts in your mouth, kind on your stomach. Malfestio (3760 HP) Mizutsune (4324 HP) Seltas Queen (4888 HP) Seltas (2000 HP) Hunt all large monsters, not including Seltas. 65 HP. 1196pts SP. An amphibious monster resembling a frog. Weapon List. Magnamalo. Because the first break always feels slower than the second one. Sufficient Stamina. 28 HP. Velociprey Greaves S. Flooded Forest: 8★ Haste Makes Waste: Slay an Apex Arzuros: HRP: 1,080pts: MRP: 0pts: 17,100 HP 16,340 HP 17,100 HP 17,550 HP 15,960 HP 17,100 HP 19,760 HP: Sandy. Greatly increases Attack, and raises your weapon's Sharpness. Lv 1. Lv 1 Activates skill effect. Pierre de lave x2. Strengthens explosive attacks like shells, Wyvern's Fire, charge blade phial attacks, and Sticky Ammo. Advanced: Predator into Prey. Elder dragons so rarely sighted that little is known of their ecology, though everyone knows of the high prices Kirin parts fetch. Extremely hard, it's also used to make armory tools. Released on Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows on July 9, 2021 the game revolves around a turn-based battle system where players can befriend monsters and ride them throughout the overworld with traditional role-playing features such as. Risen Shagaru Magala are elder dragons that have found a way to overcome their affliction. 6. 属性异常状态的耐性 2. Saved the world from the Black Blight. Rachnoid spit fire, capture prey, and support the Rakna-Kadaki's massive body. -2. Amatsu glide through the air on currents they create using their wing membrane, making it look as if they're dancing in the sky. A database for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate. Weapon List. K. 56 HP. Armors - MHGen - Kiranico - Monster Hunter Generations (3DS) Database. Captain's Blade (Create) Element. Weapon List. Quest Health Attack Defense Part Breakability Ailments Stun Exhaust Mount大型魔物. Capture Behemoth. 银火龙的真髓 1. Home - MH3U - Kiranico - Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Database A database for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. Rakna-Kadaki. Activates 10% of the time. By suppressing the Qurio virus, they have gained great strength and new abilities. Mini. Every hunt has its finale. Their icy breath is so cold that it can form massive spires and walls of ice out of nowhere, and is even powerful enough to freeze other monsters. Book of Combos 3. Lv 1.